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Rhinoplasty without surgery.

Rhino-modelling, also called rhinoplasty without surgery, is an aesthetic medical technique that consists of profiling or modelling the nose to correct small imperfections by modifying the nose at strategic points through the application of different filling products.
This technique allows to correct small aesthetic nasal imperfections in a simple way and to obtain a more aesthetic and harmonic profile. It does not require anesthesia, the discomfort after treatment is few and the results can be seen immediately without the need for sick leave.
Currently many people have through this treatment the opportunity to avoid a surgical intervention to correct the aesthetics of your nose and preserve your image with small changes that will provide your face more harmony and beauty.
The rhino-modeling does not replace the surgical rhinoplasty because this procedure will not reduce the size of a nose or fix the nasal septum.

With rhino modelling can be achieved:

  • A more symmetrical nose.
  • A tip of the nose more aesthetically elevated and according to the rest of the face.
  • Correct small imperfections and slight nasal unevennesses.
  • Filling of the nasal dorsum among others.



The procedure is performed by modifying the nasal angles (naso-frontal and naso labial), injecting biocompatible and resorbable fillers such as high density hyaluronic acid, thus raising the nasal tip, the nasofrontal angle and increasing the naso-labial angle, disguising imperfections caused by the nasal bones. 


The results are temporary and the duration is usually up to 1 or 2 years in some cases. Treatment must be renewed to maintain results.  The time can vary according to each patient since each person reabsorbs the injected fillers in a different way.

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