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Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Women

Sottopelle™ is a hormone replacement therapy with bioidentical (natural) hormones that does not cause discomfort and allows women to live life to the best of their ability.

With this therapy women can feel healthy, vibrant and sensual throughout their lives, as it helps restore healthy hormonal balance and well-being for their bodies, improving the symptoms that women suffer in pre-menopause and menopause.

The therapy Sottopelle™, is the most convenient and effective method of hormone replacement. It has been researched and documented in detail in medical journals since 1939 and consists of a simple, painless insertion of a bioidentical hormone tablet under the skin. Once this tablet has been implanted, at a constant low dose of natural hormones, these flow through the blood at the pace demanded by its activity. The release of hormones into the body is identical to that produced by the ovaries when they function normally.

The implants Sottopelle™, are manufactured following the sum of the highest standards of the pharmaceutical industry and using only the best quality botanical ingredients available, derived from natural plants specifically formulated to mimic human hormones, without synthetic components or additives, only natural ingredients identical to those of human hormones.


The technique takes about five minutes and involves the application of the hormonal tablet, through a mild local anesthetic, under the skin, usually in the upper buttock. As your body needs the hormone, it is released and therefore consumed until it disappears. After three or four months, a new analysis will inform about the need to repeat the process.

Why does a woman need estrogen?

Estrogen is the most important hormone in women, as it protects them from heart problems, heart attacks, osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease. Synthetic estrogen taken orally does not offer these benefits.

Why do I need testosterone as a woman?

La testosterona en la mujer aporta claridad mental, incrementa la líbido y tonifica los músculos. El bajo nivel de testosterona provoca confusión mental, aumento de la grasa fundamentalmente alrededor de la cintura y cadera, y poco crecimiento del músculo a pesar de realizar ejercicio regularmente.

Testosterone in women brings mental clarity, increases libido and tones muscles. The low level of testosterone causes mental confusion, increased fat mainly around the waist and hips, and little muscle growth despite regular exercise.

Sottopelle™ therapy in women achieves the natural and healthy hormonal balance that your body needs to maintain optimal and desirable well-being. 

  • Recovery or increase of libido.
  • Increased lean body mass and decreased fat.
  • Increased ability to get in shape.
  • Reduced fatigue and increased energy levels.
  • Reduction of anger, nervousness and irritability.
  • Relief of anxiety and depression.
  • Increased focus and mental clarity, as well as concentration.
  • Improved memory.



Side effects or complications are rare. 

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