The nasolabial folds or "laugh wrinkles" are the wrinkles that occur from the end of the wing of the nose and that descend obliquely to the commisures in both limits of the mouth. These lines of expression are the first to appear on the face, because the skin of that area is thinner than others, and is noticeable with age as it is affected by all the gestures and movements that we perform every day with the mouth. In this area, there is a decrease in muscle tone, and the skin tissues are relaxing, which makes the central area of the face apparent aged. These wrinkles are a problem that currently bother most women and more and more men.
The factors that influence the formation of the nasolabial fold are gesticulation, genetic factors, the shape of the face and jaw, and the effect of gravity among others.
When the nasolabial folds are very deep, the anti-wrinkle creams are no longer sufficient and the best way to correct them is to treat them with hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse®) to fill them.
The technique is carried out by means of small punctures with a fine needle. Currently the hyaluronic acid we use provides formulas rich in amino acids and vitamins, moisturizing, reducing the presence of these wrinkles on the face and smoothing expression lines effectively, the correction is immediate and the result very natural.
The duration of the treatment is from 10 to 13 months approximately.
The application of the product in this treatment is quick and simple, not painful and with practically no need for anesthesia.
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