Plexr Technology
Plexr™ is an equipment with an innovative technology, very useful to treat vascularized and ultrasensitive areas without causing scars or other damage.
Its technique consists of using a light and versatile head, doing small shots in points in the area of skin to treat, without reaching beyond the epidermis, thus causing a retraction of the skin by the burn. The treated area regenerates creating a new skin, retracted, rosy and with greater elasticity. The "burn" of Plexr™ is superficial and controlled. A scab is formed immediately and the doctor can never go beyond the epidermis if it is not removing the scab and continue inciting (necessary only in certain indications), so the safety is total.
It is a fast and safe procedure that is followed by a transient edema or inflammation and the small scabs of half a millimeter will fall off in 5 to 7 days. There may be a risk of hyperpigmentation if the patient is exposed to the sun without sun protection in the three months after treatment, so you should use creams with a high level of sun protection factor.
The star treatments are non-surgical blepharoplasty, achieving the retraction of excess skin in the eyelids. Also, the elimination of any lesion in eyelids such as xanthelasmas, warts, fibroids, etc.. And the rejuvenation of the peribuccal area (bar code) and periorbital.
The Plexr is used for:
- To treat spots, expression wrinkles, stretch marks, correction of scars and keloids.
- Eliminate fibroids, keratoses, warts and angiomas in any location.
- Eliminate active acne, post acne and post varicella scars.
- Eliminate tattoos, regardless of color.
The results are natural and progressive and in most cases the first session is sufficient, although in some cases more than one is required.
Session by session the results are more permanent, relative to the habitual cutaneous aging with the passage of the years. The retractions in any area will depend on multiple factors, but the most predominant will be the laxity of the skin, so we will say that two or three sessions is the regular.
- The patient should not "sunbathe" one week before and three months after treatment.
- The patient should use sunscreen factor 50 at least three months after treatment.
- Wash the treated areas with water and neutral soap twice a day until the scabs fall off completely.
- The use of an antiseptic is recommended for the first 5 days after the treatment.
- Keep the area hydrated once the scabs have fallen off.
The Plexr does not leave bruises, scars or any damage to surrounding or underlying tissues.
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