Gingival Smile
Corrección de la sonrisa alta.
The gingival smile (high smile) occurs when the proportions between the gum, teeth and upper jaw are not in balance, so it is observed an excessive elevation of the upper lip during the smile, so that the gum is visible in excess when smiling (4 mm or more).
The treatment of the gingival smile is generally performed with botulinum toxin (botox) and aims to recover harmony naturally, decreasing the power of the elevating muscle of the upper lip, making the elevation of the lip does not exceed the upper height of the tooth, decreasing in turn some lines of expression
The technique is minimally invasive, does not require local anesthesia and is performed by means of a few small punctures at the base of the nose, which depend on the length of the upper lip, the amount of gum exposed in the central or lateral parts of the mouth, the midline of the jaw and the characteristics of the upper teeth in relation to the rest of the face.
Results are seen at 3-4 days with a duration of 8-10 months.
There are other options for the correction of the gingival smile, is the augmentation of lips with hyaluronic acid and definitive surgery.
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